(1) The State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology may examine by written or oral examination, or by both. Standards for acceptable performance shall be determined by the board. The board may examine or direct the applicant to be examined for knowledge in whatever theoretical or applied fields in speech-language pathology or audiology it considers appropriate. The board may also examine the candidate with regard to the professional skills and judgment of the candidate in the utilization of speech-language pathology or audiology techniques and methods.
(2) The board may waive the written examination if the applicant has successfully passed the Educational Testing Service Praxis II Specialty Area Examination in speech-language pathology or audiology.
(3) The board shall grade the examination or direct it to be graded. Examination papers shall be retained by the board for at least one year. [Formerly 694.375; 1995 c.280 §10]
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