(1) Not later than 120 days from the date the order of liquidation of a member insurer is filed in the office of the clerk of the court by which the order was made, that insurer�s receiver shall make application to the court for approval of a proposal to disburse the insurer�s marshalled assets to the Oregon Insurance Guaranty Association from time to time as those assets become available.
(2) A proposal made by a receiver under subsection (1) of this section shall include, but not be limited to, provisions for:
(a) Reserving amounts for the payment of those claims described in ORS 734.360;
(b) Disbursing the marshalled assets of the insolvent insurer to the association in an amount estimated to be at least equal to the claim payments to be made by the association for which the association could assert a claim against the insolvent insurer;
(c) Disbursing the marshalled assets in the amount available when the marshalled assets do not equal the amount of the claim payments to be made by the association for which the association could assert a claim against the insolvent insurer;
(d) Securing an agreement from the association to return to the receiver any assets previously disbursed that may be required to pay the claims of secured creditors and the claims described in ORS 734.360; and
(e) A complete report by the association to the receiver accounting for all assets disbursed to the association under this section, expenditures made from those assets and any interest earned by the association on those assets.
(3) When an insurer�s receiver intends to make application to a court for approval of a proposal to disburse the insurer�s marshalled assets to the association under this section, the receiver shall give notice of the application, at least 30 days prior to filing the application with the court, to the insurance supervisory official and the insurance guaranty agency that performs functions similar to that of the association of each state in which the insolvent insurer was authorized. [1977 c.793 §2; 2001 c.974 §10]
Section: Previous 734.579 734.580 734.590 734.600 734.610 734.620 734.630 734.635 734.640 734.650 734.660 734.670 734.680 734.690 734.695 NextLast modified: August 7, 2008