53 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 57 - Taxicabs And Limousines In First Class Cities
Subchapter A. General Provisions
- Section 5701 - Definitions
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly...
- Section 5701.1 - Legislative Findings
The General Assembly finds and declares as follows: (1) The health, safety and general welfare of the people of this Commonwealth are directly dependent...
- Section 5702 - Advisory Committee
(a) Establishment.--There is hereby established an advisory committee to be known as the City of the First Class Taxicab and Limousine Advisory Committee. The...
- Section 5703 - Rates
(a) Rates to be just and reasonable.--Every rate made for authority-certified taxicab, limousine or medallion taxicab service shall be just and reasonable and in...
- Section 5704 - Power Of Authority To Require Insurance
The authority may, by regulation or order, prescribe for a taxicab or limousine service requirements as it may deem necessary for the protection of...
- Section 5705 - Contested Complaints
(a) Adjudication.--Contested complaints brought before the authority alleging violations of this chapter or rules and regulations promulgated by the authority pursuant to this chapter...
- Section 5706 - Driver Certification Program
(a) General rule.--The authority shall provide for the establishment of a driver certification program for drivers of taxicabs and limousines within cities of the...
- Section 5707 - Budget And Assessments
(a) Budget submission.-- (1) The authority shall prepare and, through the Governor, submit annually to the General Assembly a proposed budget consistent with Article...
- Section 5707.1 - Assessment Notice And Hearings
(a) Notice of assessment and payment.-- (1) The authority shall serve notice of the assessment determined pursuant to section 5707 (relating to budget and...
- Section 5708 - Funds
(a) Regulatory Fund.--The Philadelphia Taxicab and Limousine Regulatory Fund is established as a special fund in the State Treasury. A balance remaining in the...
- Section 5709 - (Reserved)
(July 16, 2004, P.L.758, No.94, eff. imd.; July 9, 2013, P.L.455, No.64, eff. imd.)
- Section 5710 - Fees
(a) Fees authorized.--The authority may collect fees necessary for the administration and enforcement of this chapter. Payment of fees may be enforced in the...
Subchapter B. Taxicabs
- Section 5711 - Power Of Authority To Issue Certificates Of Public Convenience
(a) General rule.--In addition to the powers conferred upon the authority by other provisions of this title, the authority is empowered to issue, suspend,...
- Section 5712 - Medallion System
(a) System.--There is a medallion system within cities of the first class in order to provide holders of certificates of public convenience which authorize...
- Section 5713 - Property And Licensing Rights
(a) Property rights.--Medallions are property and may not be revoked or canceled by the authority. Medallions may be pledged to lenders or creditors as...
- Section 5714 - Certificate And Medallion Required
(a) Vehicles generally.-- (1) A vehicle may not be operated as a taxicab with citywide call or demand rights in cities of the first...
- Section 5715 - Contested Complaints (Deleted By Amendment)
§ 5715. Contested complaints (Deleted by amendment). 2004 Amendment. Section 5715 was deleted by amendment July 16, 2004, P.L.758, No.94, effective immediately. 2004 Unconstitutionality....
- Section 5716 - Reissuance Of Medallion
Within 30 days of the close of each fiscal year, a medallion holder shall apply to obtain from the authority a reissued medallion for...
- Section 5717 - Additional Certificates And Medallions
(a) Limitation on number.--Subject to the limits established in section 5711(c) (relating to power of authority to issue certificates of public convenience), the authority...
- Section 5718 - Restrictions
(a) Place of transaction.--A medallion may not be sold or transferred to another party unless the closing of the sales transaction occurs at authority...
- Section 5719 - Driver Certification Program (Deleted By Amendment)
§ 5719. Driver certification program (Deleted by amendment). 2004 Amendment. Section 5719 was deleted by amendment July 16, 2004, P.L.758, No.94, effective immediately. 2004...
- Section 5720 - Wages
(a) Minimum wage.--Each certificate holder shall pay at least a prevailing minimum wage rate or, in the alternative, charge at most a prevailing maximum...
- Section 5721 - Centralized Dispatcher
In cities of the first class, all medallion holders shall utilize the services of a centralized dispatch system. Any owner of a centralized dispatch...
- Section 5722 - Regulations
The authority may prescribe such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to govern the regulation of taxicabs within cities of the first class...
- Section 5723 - Budget And Fees (Deleted By Amendment)
§ 5723. Budget and fees (Deleted by amendment). 2004 Amendment. Section 5723 was deleted by amendment July 16, 2004, P.L.758, No.94, effective immediately. 2004...
- Section 5724 - Criminal Penalties
For the purpose of this subchapter, any person or corporation convicted of: (1) a summary offense shall be sentenced to pay a fine of...
- Section 5725 - Civil Penalties
(a) General rule.--If any person or corporation subject to this subchapter shall violate any of the provisions of this subchapter or shall do any...
Subchapter C. Limousines
Last modified: October 8, 2016