William C. and Elaine Gaskins - Page 49

                                                 - 49 -                                                    
            their two daughters. Remaining in the marriage, however, does                                  
            not preclude Mrs. Quinn from relief.                                                           
                  Should liability be imposed on Mrs. Quinn, the debt would                                
            be paid from her assets, primarily her retirement funds and the                                
            house given to her by her parents. This would be inequitable                                   
            since she did not benefit from Mr. Quinn's omitted income. Given                               
            all the facts and circumstances, we conclude that it would be                                  
            inequitable to hold Mrs. Quinn liable for the deficiencies in                                  
            tax arising from Mr. Quinn's understated income for the taxable                                
            years 1979, 1980, and 1981.                                                                    
                  We hold that both Mrs. Gaskins and Mrs. Quinn are entitled                               
            to innocent spouse relief under section 6013(e).                                               
                  Based on the concessions and the above holdings,                                         
                                                        Decisions will be entered                          
                                                  for petitioners Elaine Gaskins                           
                                                  and Sabina A. Ouinn on the                               
                                                  innocent spouse issue for 1979,                          
                                                  1980, and 1981.                                          
                                                        Decisions will be entered                          
                                                  for respondent on the                                    
                                                  deficiencies in tax for 1979,                            
                                                  1980, and 1981, and the addition                         
                                                  to tax for fraud for 1979 and                            
                                                  1980 as to petitioners William C.                        
                                                  Gaskins and Pasquale T. Quinn.                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011