Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 59

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          vides in pertinent part:                                                    
               (d) Foreign Base Company Sales Income.--                               
                    (1) In General.--For purposes of subsection                       
               (a)(2), the term "foreign base company sales income"                   
               means income (whether in the form of profits, commis-                  
               sions, fees, or otherwise) derived in connection with                  
               the purchase of personal property from a related person                
               and its sale to any person * * * where--                               
                         (A) the property which is purchased * * * is                 
                    manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted out-                  
                    side the country under the laws of which the con-                 
                    trolled foreign corporation is created or organiz-                
                    ed, and                                                           
                         (B) the property is sold for use, consump-                   
                    tion, or disposition outside such foreign country                 
                    * * *.                                                            
               The legislative history of subpart F provides some guidance            
          on the meaning of foreign base company sales income.  In its                
          explanation of subpart F, the Senate Finance Committee stated:32            
                    The "foreign base company sales income" referred                  
               to here means income from the purchase and sale of                     
               property, without any appreciable value being added to                 
               the product by the selling corporation.  This does not,                
               for example, include cases where any significant amount                
               of manufacturing, major assembling, or construction                    
               activity is carried on with respect to the product by                  
               the selling corporation.  On the other hand, activity                  
               such as minor assembling, packaging, repackaging or                    
               labeling will not be sufficient to exclude the profits                 

          "foreign base company sales income" as defined in sec. 954(d).              
          Sec. 954(a)(2).                                                             
          32  The House Ways and Means Committee used similar language in             
          its report on subpart F.  H. Rept. 1447, 87th Cong., 2d Sess.               
          (1962), 1962-3 C.B. 402, 466.                                               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011