Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 64

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                  Taxable income...............................    400                
               The product sold, an automobile, is not sufficiently                   
               distinguishable from the components purchased (the                     
               engine, transmission, etc.) to constitute a substantial                
               transformation of purchased parts within the meaning of                
               subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph.  Although con-                  
               version costs of B Corporation are less than 20 percent                
               of total cost of goods sold ($325/$1,800 or 18 per-                    
               cent), the operations conducted by B Corporation in                    
               connection with the property purchased and sold are                    
               substantial in nature and are generally considered to                  
               constitute the manufacture of a product.  Corporation B                
               will be considered under this subdivision to have                      
               manufactured the product it sells.                                     
                    Example (3).  Controlled foreign corporation C,                   
               incorporated under the laws of foreign country X, pur-                 
               chases from related persons radio parts manufactured in                
               foreign country Y.  Corporation C designs radio kits,                  
               packages component parts required for assembly of such                 
               kits, and sells the parts in a knocked-down condition                  
               to unrelated persons for use outside country X.  These                 
               packaging operations of C Corporation do not constitute                
               the manufacture, production, or construction of per-                   
               sonal property for purposes of section 954(d)(1).                      
          (Hereinafter, we shall refer to the standards of section 1.954-             
          3(a)(4)(iii), Income Tax Regs., that the operations conducted be            
          substantial in nature and be generally considered to constitute             
          the manufacture of a product as the facts and circumstances test            
          of that regulation, and we shall refer to the standard of section           
          1.954-3(a)(4)(iii), Income Tax Regs., that the conversion costs             
          be equal to 20 percent of the total cost of goods sold as the me-           
          chanical test of that regulation.)                                          
               Respondent determined that the income for each of the years            
          at issue from the sale of sunglasses assembled by B&L Ireland and           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011