Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 72

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          tributable to the fact that Mr. Holdren's analyses were based on            
          accounting principles and the analyses in the BVS report were               
          based primarily on economic principles.  Both accounting and                
          economic analyses seem to be reasonable and appropriate methods             
          of analysis for purposes of section 954(d)(1).  Compare sec.                
          1.954-3(a)(4)(iii), Income Tax Regs., with S. Rept. 1881, supra,            
          1962-3 C.B. 703, 790.                                                       
               Nonetheless, we have reservations regarding the respective             
          analyses performed by Mr. Holdren and the three individuals who             
          prepared the BVS report.  For example, with respect to Mr.                  
          Holdren, he adopted the classifications that B&L Ireland and B&L            
          Hong Kong used to classify certain purchased parts as either                
          direct or indirect materials, rather than making his own indepen-           
          dent determinations of such classifications.  Although the clas-            
          sifications used by B&L Ireland and by B&L Hong Kong are not                
          necessarily inappropriate for management accounting purposes,               
          there appear to be different, acceptable methods of classifying             
          certain types of materials for those purposes.  Petitioners have            
          not convinced us that the classification method chosen by B&L               
          Ireland and by B&L Hong Kong, and adopted by Mr. Holdren, is the            
          most appropriate method for purposes of section 954(d)(1) and the           
          regulations thereunder.35                                                   

          35  We also note that Mr. Holdren admitted at trial that he made            

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