Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 80

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          B&L Hong Kong sunglass assembly facility, new operators also                
          received extensive training supervised by the assistant produc-             
          tion supervisor and group leaders.                                          
               During the first few weeks of training, the percentage of              
          salable sunglasses assembled by a new operator at both B&L                  
          Ireland and B&L Hong Kong was very low.  Even at the end of the             
          13-week training program at the B&L Ireland sunglass assembly               
          facility, the typical operator was able to assemble only 70 per-            
          cent of B&L Ireland's basic target of 200 sunglasses per day.               
          Although the typical operator at the B&L Hong Kong sunglass                 
          assembly facility was able to achieve the basic daily produc-               
          tivity target of 150 sunglasses per day within four to six weeks            
          after the commencement of the training program, that person                 
          generally was not able to achieve B&L Hong Kong's average output            
          of 380 sunglasses per day until some time in that person's second           
          year of employment.  Not all operators were able to assemble all            
          SKUs of sunglasses assembled by B&L Ireland and by B&L Hong Kong,           
          and some operators were not able to reach a sufficient level of             
          proficiency to continue to function as operators.  At the B&L               
          Ireland sunglass assembly facility, if an operator began assem-             
          bling a new style of sunglasses or switched from assembling plas-           
          tics to metals, the operator underwent additional training.                 
               In addition to the training provided to operators, both B&L            
          Ireland and B&L Hong Kong provided extensive training to inspec-            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011