Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 83

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          problems; and (4) how to overcome problems caused by tolerance              
               To support her position that the respective sunglass assem-            
          bly operations conducted by B&L Ireland and B&L Hong Kong did not           
          require substantial skill, training, or experience, respondent              
          relies on the testimony of Dr. Cohen.  At the time of the trial             
          herein, Dr. Cohen was a licensed optician and an associate pro-             
          fessor of Ophthalmic Dispensing Technology.  Dr. Cohen testified            
          that he had taught basic assembly of prescription eyeglasses to             
          students of various levels of education and that it did not                 
          require much time or training for a person to become competent at           
          assembling eyeglasses.  Dr. Cohen admitted, however, that his               
          experience related to the dispensing of prescription eyeglasses             
          through optical shops and that it did not include mass production           
               We are unwilling to rely on Dr. Cohen's testimony to refute            
          the direct evidence of the training and experience required of              
          operators at B&L Ireland and B&L Hong Kong in order to assemble             
          sunglasses that met B&L's quality standards.  It appears that a             
          person assembling prescription eyeglasses for a retail optical              
          shop is not required to learn a standard technique for that                 
          assembly.  All that is important is the end result, not the                 
          method utilized to achieve that result.  For example, Dr. Cohen             
          testified that when students in the Cleveland Job Corps, a                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011