Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 90

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          sunglass assembly operations conducted by B&L Ireland and B&L               
          Hong Kong to constitute the manufacture of sunglasses.  Respon-             
          dent expresses no position as to whether we should look to that             
          or any other industry to determine whether those operations                 
          constitute the manufacture of sunglasses.  We take respondent's             
          silence to mean that she agrees with petitioners' position that             
          the pertinent industry is the sunglass industry.                            
               In any event, we agree with petitioners' position.  See                
          Garnac Grain Co. v. Commissioner, supra at 26-27; Webb Export               
          Corp. v. Commissioner, supra at 148.  The products at issue                 
          herein are sunglasses.  Sunglasses involve at least two distinct            
          market segments:  (1) Low-end or regular sunglasses, and                    
          (2) high-end or quality sunglasses.  Sunglasses constitute a                
          separate and distinct product from prescription eyeglasses.                 
          Sunglasses have noncorrective lenses, are tailored to fit a                 
          standard face, and are assembled prior to reaching the retailer.            
          In contrast, prescription eyeglasses contain individually finish-           
          ed lenses, are tailored for a specific prescription and to fit an           
          individual face, and are assembled by retail optical shops.  We             
          also note that the sunglass industry has its own trade organiza-            
          tion, viz., the Sunglass Association of America (SAA), and that             
          the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has established            
          standards for the sunglass industry to follow.                              
               Our next inquiry is whether the sunglass industry generally            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011