Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 97

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          by B&L Ireland and B&L Hong Kong were generally considered manu-            
          facturing in determining whether those operations were generally            
          considered to constitute the manufacture of sunglasses.                     
               Based on our examination of the entire record before us, we            
          find that the sunglass assembly operations conducted by B&L                 
          Ireland and by B&L Hong Kong with respect to the sunglass parts             
          purchased by those companies were generally considered to consti-           
          tute the manufacture or production of sunglasses for purposes of            
          section 954(d)(1) and section 1.954-3(a)(4)(iii), Income Tax                
               Were the Assembly Operations at                                        
               Issue Limited to Minor Assembly?                                       
               Respondent directs the Court's attention to the third                  
          sentence of section 1.954-3(a)(4)(iii), Income Tax Regs.  That              
          sentence provides:  "In no event, however, will packaging, re-              
          packaging, labeling, or minor assembly operations constitute the            
          manufacture, production, or construction of property for purposes           
          of section 954(d)(1)."  Based on that sentence, respondent con-             
          tends, inter alia, that even if the sunglass assembly operations            
          conducted by B&L Ireland and by B&L Hong Kong were substantial in           
          nature and were generally considered to constitute the manufac-             
          ture of sunglasses so that such operations satisfied the facts              
          and the circumstances test of section 1.954-3(a)(4)(iii), Income            
          Tax Regs., those operations were limited to "packaging, repackag-           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011