Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 11

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          formed for a significant purpose of reducing taxes, it does not             
          necessarily follow that respondent abused her discretion by                 
          failing to exclude the income at issue of B&L Hong Kong from the            
          sale of B&L products it did not assemble and from interest from             
          petitioners' gross income for their taxable years ended December            
          25, 1983, through December 28, 1986.  In any event, the instant             
          record does not support a finding that respondent abused her                
          discretion by failing to determine that reduction of taxes was              
          not a significant purpose for effecting the transactions that               
          gave rise to that income.                                                   
               We initially note that petitioners reported certain of B&L             
          Hong Kong's income from sources other than the sale of sunglasses           
          assembled by it as subpart F income for each of their taxable               
          years ended December 30, 1984, through December 28, 1986.                   
          Although petitioners did not report subpart F income from B&L               
          Hong Kong for their taxable year ended December 25, 1983, a                 
          memorandum prepared by B&L in connection with the tax audit of              
          petitioners' taxable years ended December 25, 1983, and December            
          30, 1984, indicated that petitioners did not report any such                
          income for their taxable year ended December 25, 1983, because              
          B&L Hong Kong "generated an overall loss from Subpart F opera-              
          tions" for that year.  Petitioners did not assert that any por-             
          tion of B&L Hong Kong's income at issue from the sale of B&L                
          products it did not assemble and from interest was excludible               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011