Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 103

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          and (7) the location of the persons purchasing the goods or                 
          services.  Id.  Generally, if the income-producing activity of              
          the CFC takes place within the country in which the CFC is or-              
          ganized, the formation of that company will not be considered to            
          have a significant purpose of reducing taxes.  Id.                          
               Petitioners argue, and respondent does not dispute, that               
          during petitioners' taxable years ended December 25, 1983,                  
          through December 28, 1986, B&L Hong Kong had income from the                
          following three principal sources:  (1) The sale of sunglasses              
          assembled by B&L Hong Kong, (2) the sale of B&L products not                
          assembled by B&L Hong Kong,43 and (3) interest.  It is not clear            
          from the record whether B&L Hong Kong had income from any other             
          sources during those years.  To the extent that B&L Hong Kong had           
          any such income that is at issue herein, petitioners have failed            
          to carry their burden of proving that such income is excludible             
          from their gross income for those years under section 954(b)(4).            
               As for the three sources of B&L Hong Kong's income about               
          which petitioners argue under section 954(b)(4), we have held               
          that the income of B&L Hong Kong attributable to the sale of                
          sunglasses it assembled is not subpart F income for any of the              
          years at issue.  Therefore, we need not determine whether the               
          exception in section 954(b)(4) applies to that income.                      

          43  Petitioners do not argue that B&L Hong Kong sold any products           
          manufactured in Hong Kong other than the sunglasses it assembled.           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011