Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 12

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          from their gross income under section 954(b)(4) until they filed            
          their amended petitions in these cases less than three months               
          prior to trial.  It appears that, at least prior thereto, peti-             
          tioners themselves had reason to believe that that income was not           
          excludible from their gross income under section 954(b)(4) for              
          their taxable years ended December 25, 1983, through December 28,           
               With respect to B&L Hong Kong's interest income at issue,              
          petitioners do not point to any evidence to support a finding               
          that reducing taxes was not a significant purpose for effecting             
          the transactions that gave rise to that interest income.44  Al-             
          though petitioners argue on brief that B&L Hong Kong had interest           
          income from investments of its working capital, it is not clear             
          from the record what transactions gave rise to the interest                 
          income at issue.  On the record before us, we find that peti-               
          tioners failed to prove that respondent abused her discretion by            
          failing to conclude that reducing taxes was not a significant               
          purpose for effecting the transactions that gave rise to B&L Hong           

          44  On brief, respondent argues that the issue whether B&L Hong             
          Kong's interest income is excludible under sec. 954(b)(4) is not            
          a proper issue because it was not raised in the pleadings.                  
          Respondent is wrong.  Petitioners amended their petition to                 
          assert that B&L Hong Kong's income from the sale of B&L products            
          it did not assemble and from "other revenues" was excludible                
          under sec. 954(b)(4).                                                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011