Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 94

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          Ireland and B&L Hong Kong as manufacturing or production.  See              
          Webb Export Corp. v. Commissioner, 91 T.C at 148.  For example,             
          Peter McNally, who was the production manager of B&L Ireland's              
          sunglass assembly operations, testified:  "The sunglass operation           
          [conducted by B&L Ireland] is generally known as the Sunglass               
          Manufacturing Plant because it was the center for the manufactur-           
          ing of sunglasses for the European and Middle Eastern market."              
               Petitioners also argue that the respective assembly opera-             
          tions conducted by B&L Ireland and B&L Hong Kong were generally             
          considered to constitute the manufacture of sunglasses from                 
          various other perspectives.  Both B&L Ireland and B&L Hong Kong             
          used standard cost accounting to assist their management.  Mr.              
          Holdren, a C.P.A. relied upon by petitioners as an expert wit-              
          ness, concluded that the type and complexity of the respective              
          cost accounting systems utilized by B&L Ireland and B&L Hong Kong           
          are indicative of manufacturing companies and not distribution              
          operations.  Thus, both B&L Ireland and B&L Hong Kong used the              
          types of accounting systems utilized by companies engaged in the            
          manufacture of products.                                                    
               We also note that the Government of Ireland generally con-             
          sidered the assembly operations conducted by B&L Ireland to                 
          constitute the manufacture of sunglasses.  Prior to the time                
          during 1982 at which B&L Ireland initiated it sunglass assembly             
          operations, the IDA awarded B&L Ireland both capital and training           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011