Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and Consolidated Subsidiaries - Page 13

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          Kong's interest income at issue.45                                          
               With respect to B&L Hong Kong's income at issue from the               
          sale of B&L products it did not assemble, petitioners argue that            
          the factors set forth in section 1.954-1(b)(3)(iv), Income Tax              
          Regs., show that the transactions that gave rise to that income             
          were not effected for a significant purpose of reducing taxes.              
          We disagree.  We have examined all of the facts and circumstances           
          disclosed by the record with respect to that income and find that           
          petitioners have failed to show that respondent abused her dis-             
          cretion by failing to determine that the transactions that gave             
          rise to B&L Hong Kong's income at issue from the sale of B&L                
          products it did not assemble were not effected for a significant            
          purpose of reducing taxes.                                                  
               Although the testimony of current and former B&L employees             
          (viz., Mr. Chan and John Vay) establishes that tax avoidance was            
          not a significant purpose for the formation of B&L Hong Kong, the           
          record is silent, particularly with respect to petitioners'                 
          taxable years ended December 25, 1983, through December 28, 1986,           

          45  Petitioners argue that B&L Hong Kong's interest income at               
          issue is excludible from their gross income pursuant to sec.                
          954(b)(3)(A).  The record does not establish the total amount of            
          B&L Hong Kong's foreign base company income (determined without             
          regard to sec. 954(b)(2) and (5)) for any of the taxable years              
          ended Dec. 25, 1983, through Dec. 28, 1986.  Consequently, we are           
          unable to determine whether B&L Hong Kong's interest income (or             
          any other foreign base company income that we have found herein)            
          is excludible pursuant to sec. 954(b)(3)(A).                                

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