Stephen H. Glassley and Judith Glassley, et al. - Page 30

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          Petitioners Houser reported adjusted gross income of $79,103.92             
          on their 1981 Federal income tax return and $142,708 on their               
          1982 Federal income tax return.  Dr. Houser retired from the                
          practice of medicine in 1991.                                               
               Dr. Houser first became interested in investing in jojoba              
          during 1978 or 1979 after reading articles about the plant in a             
          number of investment newsletters.  During 1981, he read Rowe's              
          jojoba-related articles in the Wall Street Digest.  Dr. Houser              
          wrote to Rowe, and was referred to Whittaker.  Dr. Houser was               
          impressed with her credentials and telephoned her.  She referred            
          him to Berberich, who subsequently sent Dr. Houser a copy of the            
          offering circular.                                                          
               Dr. Houser studied the offering, including the tax opinion.            
          He discussed the offering with his certified public accountant,             
          who did not raise any concerns about the potential investment.              
          Dr. Houser also discussed the offering with his brother, an                 
          attorney, who told Dr. Houser that the law firm issuing the tax             
          opinion was reputable and that, in the brother's opinion, the               
          offering looked promising.                                                  
               On December 28, 1981, petitioners Houser subscribed to one             
          partnership unit of JDP at a total cost of $50,000.  As a result            
          of their capital contribution to JDP, petitioners Houser acquired           
          an 11.1-percent capital interest in JDP.  Also on December 28,              
          1981, they executed the signature page to the certificate and               
          agreement of limited partnership and certificate of fictitious              

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