Stephen H. Glassley and Judith Glassley, et al. - Page 35

                                       - 35 -                                         
                    I expect that it will take at least three years                   
               before we will be able to observe any measurable                       
               differences from these various treatments.  What we                    
               will be looking for are differences in the rate of                     
               plant growth, seed yield, leaf tissue analysis and oil                 
               content of seeds.                                                      
               In the second written progress report to Berberich as                  
          general partner of JDP, dated May 24, 1983, Whittaker advised               
          JDP, among other things, that:                                              
               In recent months I have had the opportunity to discuss                 
               Jojoba Development Partner's R & D program in detail                   
               with Drs. Dave Palzkill and Bill Feldman at the                        
               University of Arizona, with the technical                              
               representatives of our agri-chemical supply company and                
               with our farm staff.  Dave Palzkill commented on the                   
               need for growers in various areas to carry out R & D                   
               programs such as this and suggested that we compare                    
               notes with Bob Roth of the U of A Extension Services                   
               Station.  Dr. Palzkill recommended that, rather than                   
               than [sic] study response to different forms of                        
               nitrogen (in ammonia vs. nitrate vs. urea) or methods                  
               of application (in water, soil or foliarly), we would                  
               do better to study varying amounts over a wider range                  
               than we had anticipated and to include response to                     
               phosphorus in the program.  He also pointed out the                    
               need to replicate all trials in the two separate plots.                
               Following Dr. Palzkill's recommendations, Whittaker revised            
          the nutrient application program planned for Turtleback I.                  
          Consequently, the 80 acres of Turtleback I were divided into 14             
          plots of jojoba plants with 15 rows each.  Seven application                
          formulations were devised for those 14 plots, consisting of                 
          varying amounts of nitrogen and phosphate and varying application           
          periods during the year.  Each application formulation was then             
          applied to 2 of the 14 plots.  The primary purpose of the seven             
          application formulations was to test how to use nutrient                    

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