Stephen H. Glassley and Judith Glassley, et al. - Page 57

                                       - 57 -                                         
          agreements believed that JDP would profit from the anticipated              
          increased yield of jojoba seed resulting from the research and              
          development project.  They also contend that JDP benefitted from            
          the R & D Agreement by obtaining the right to use any                       
          "discoveries" resulting from the research or experimentation and            
          by the joint venture TJV using those "discoveries" after the                
          research and development period ended.  We disagree.                        
               We believe that JDP received no economic benefit from its              
          "right" to use "discoveries, technology, and other information"             
          resulting from the putative research or experimentation.  The               
          parties fully anticipated from the beginning that any such                  
          results were to be used by HJI and disbursed widely and freely              
          throughout the jojoba industry.  We doubt that a disinterested              
          third party under similar circumstances would have been willing             
          to pay for the "right" to use any such "discoveries".                       
               Furthermore, we do not agree with petitioners that the R & D           
          Agreement had a fair market value of $382,000, as estimated by              
          petitioners' expert.  The nutrient studies HJI conducted on                 
          Turtleback I by their very nature were applicable primarily, if             
          not exclusively, to that site.  Gross, however, made no                     
          adjustment in his valuation of the R & D Agreement for its                  
          limited applicability.                                                      
               In addition, Gross failed to take into consideration the               
          value of the additional rights arising from other agreements the            
          parties executed simultaneously with the R & D Agreement.  No one           

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