Stephen H. Glassley and Judith Glassley, et al. - Page 60

                                       - 60 -                                         
          operation to provide for recovery of such expense."  Gross,                 
          furthermore, in effect acknowledged that the only effective use             
          of any discoveries obtained would have been on a large-scale                
          operation much greater than the 60 acres allocated to JDP.  Even            
          Whittaker testified that JDP, as a 60-acre partnership, was "not            
          a self-sustaining unit".  Petitioners, however, would have us               
          believe that they expected not only to recover the full cost of             
          the putative research or experimentation but also to earn a                 
          substantial profit from operations on the 60-acre plantation.  In           
          our view, given the structure of the putative research and                  
          development program, such an expectation would be pure fantasy.             
          The self-serving nature of the claims, together with the absence            
          of any evidence to support them, makes such testimony                       
               Based on this record, we are convinced that the R & D                  
          Agreement was without economic substance.  In our view, the R & D           
          Agreement was mere window dressing, devised to attract investors            
          for HJI's jojoba farming operation through the promise of a large           
          upfront deduction for what in actuality were capital                        
          contributions.  We note that the parties paid scant attention to            
          the terms of the offering or the R & D Agreement.  For example,             
          the offering unequivocally states that, unless a minimum of 22              
          limited partnership units were sold by December 21, 1981, the               
          offering would be terminated and any subscription payments would            
          be returned.  Only six limited partners had subscribed by                   

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