Stephen H. Glassley and Judith Glassley, et al. - Page 66

                                       - 66 -                                         
               associated group to compartmentalize our information                   
               between one partnership and another, but rather it was                 
               to the benefit of all the parties, Jojoba Development                  
               parties, Hyder Jojoba, Inc., Hyder Jojoba Partners,                    
               which were the entities then in existence, to apply                    
               whatever knowledge we discovered to the benefit of all                 
               of the parties and move forward as a leading and                       
               profitable jojoba production company.                                  
                    Q:  So specifically with respect to JDP, did you                  
               expect the discoveries would be beneficial to JDP?                     
                    A:  Absolutely.                                                   
                    Q:  And how would it be beneficial specifically to                
                    A:  How would improving the - - it would be                       
               beneficial - -                                                         
                    Q:  In other words, how would the discoveries be                  
               beneficial to JDP?                                                     
                    A:  Assuming that we had discovered that a                        
               specific amount or regime of nutrient application could                
               increase yield by a certain amount, that would not only                
               benefit JDP specifically with regard to its operation                  
               under a joint venture, but would also benefit JDP,                     
               which is a 60-acre partnership and not a self-                         
               sustaining unit, but rather a group related to Hyder                   
               Jojoba, Inc. and all of its farm production, by                        
               contribution towards the development of an economically                
               viable unit company/corporation that could produce                     
               jojoba effectively and profitably.                                     
               The record shows that HJI did not serve solely as JDP's                
          agent.  JDP had no power to direct or control any aspect of the             
          research or experimentation process.  Berberich's activities were           
          solely ministerial.  There is no evidence that JDP, Berberich, or           
          any limited partner, was involved in, directed, or controlled any           
          phase of the alleged research or experimentation project.  Cf.              
          Everett v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1990-65, (citing Diamond v.             

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