Stephen H. Glassley and Judith Glassley, et al. - Page 68

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          discoveries resulting from the putative research or                         
          experimentation.  Rather, we conclude that any research or                  
          experimentation that HJI conducted on Turtleback I was for its              
          own benefit and on its own behalf.                                          
               3.  The Expenditures Must Be Paid or Incurred in Connection            
          with the Taxpayer's Trade or Business                                       
               Petitioners contend that the putative research or                      
          experimentation expenditures were paid or incurred in connection            
          with JDP's trade or business.  According to petitioners, the                
          research was done in contemplation that JDP and HJI would form a            
          joint venture with the express purpose of commercially and                  
          profitably farming jojoba upon the expiration of the research               
          program if it was determined at that time that such venture would           
          be commercially feasible.  Furthermore, petitioners assert, the             
          joint venture subsequently was formed, and it operated a                    
          commercial jojoba plantation on which the discoveries from the              
          research or experimentation were used.                                      
               Respondent contends, on the other hand, that JDP was only a            
          passive investor that never engaged in or planned to engage in              
          its own separate trade or business.  Respondent asserts that the            
          passive nature of the investment is reflected in JDP's                      
          willingness to enter into the R & D Agreement without retaining             
          any proprietary rights to any technology developed and where any            
          discoveries obtained from the field testing would be available to           
          anyone in the jojoba industry.  Respondent contends that JDP's              

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