Wilburn C. Hall, Jr. - Page 47

                                       - 47 -                                         
        to the 1984 and 1986 IRP's) omitted so large a portion of                     
        petitioner's royalty income, (3) ask any further questions of                 
        Burns, or (4) in any other way attempt to clarify this matter.                
        On brief, respondent relies only on the notice of deficiency and              
        presumption of correctness. Respondent ignores the discrepancy                
        between Exhibit J and the notice of deficiency. Respondent also               
        ignores Burns' testimony.                                                     
        Burns testified that he was "positive" that respondent had                    
        copies of the relevant Forms 1099. Under these circumstances, we              
        may consider that the Forms 1099 would not support respondent's               
        determination. See Wichita Terminal Elevator Co. v.                           
        Commissioner, 6 T.C. 1158, 1165 (1946), affd. 162 F.2d 513, 515-              
        516 (10th Cir. 1947).                                                         
        From the foregoing we conclude, and we have found (supra                      
        table 6), that petitioner reported all his royalty income for                 
        We hold for petitioner on this issue.                                         
        (3) 1983                                                                      
        If petitioner's records are not sufficient to determine his                   
        correct tax liability, then respondent is authorized to                       
        reconstruct income utilizing a method which is reasonable in                  
        light of all surrounding facts and circumstances. Petzoldt v.                 
        Commissioner, 92 T.C. at 687.                                                 
        Petitioner did not provide respondent with records for 1983                   
        sufficient for respondent to determine petitioner's 1983 royalty              
        income. Consequently, respondent determined petitioner's 1983                 

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