Oregon State University Alumni Association, Inc. - Page 8

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          registered.  The premier card had the same notation as the                  
          classic card but had no photograph.                                         
               5.   USNB-OSU Business School Survey of Student Banking                
               In February 1988, USNB commissioned the OSU Business School            
          to survey students about their banking needs.  USNB gave                    
          petitioner $5,000 for the study.  The survey was conducted by               
          OSU students under the direction of two OSU Business School                 
          professors.  Petitioner's employees acted as go-betweens for USNB           
          and the business school.  Petitioner disbursed the grant money as           
          F.   Postagreement Activities by Petitioner                                 
               1.   Petitioner's Solicitation of Alumni                               
               The OSU printing department printed and mailed solicitation            
          materials six times from 1987 to 1991.3  Four of these mailings             
          preceded the years at issue, and two were during the years at               
          issue.  The OSU printing department:  (a) Mailed a letter                   
          petitioner wrote and materials supplied by USNB to 58,809 alumni            
          in 1988; (b) remailed 4,234 packets to alumni who did not receive           
          the first mailing at a time not specified in the record; (c)                
          printed and mailed letters written by USNB to 2,293 OSU seniors             
          in 1988, promoting the affinity card; and (d) printed and mailed            

               3 The OSU printing department also printed a letter, written           
          and designed by USNB, to OSU students.  The record does not                 
          indicate when this letter was printed or whether it was mailed.             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011