James E. Redlark and Cheryl L. Redlark - Page 54

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          Because a reasonable case can be made for the proposition that              
          all deficiency interest is personal interest, the temporary                 
          regulations are valid, and we must sustain them.  See Chevron,              
          U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., supra;             
          NationsBank v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., supra.                       
          III.  Section 1.163-8T and 9T, Temporary Income Tax Regs.,                  
          Is Valid                                                                    
               A.  Standard of Review                                                 
               The majority sets forth the proper standard for reviewing a            
          regulation.  Majority op. pp. 12-13.  The majority, I submit,               
          misapplies that standard.                                                   
               The narrow question before us is whether section 1.163-                
          9T(b)(2)(i)(A), Temporary Income Tax Regs., is valid, insofar as            
          it applies to the facts of the instant case.  Therefore, in order           
          to properly decide that issue, we must, in accordance with the              
          teaching of NationsBank v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., supra,           
          answer two questions.  First, is section 163(h) silent or                   
          ambiguous with respect to either:  (a) The standard for                     
          determining which items of indebtedness are "properly allocable"            
          to a trade or business, or (b) "the specific issue at hand",                
          which is whether interest paid with respect to an individual's              
          Federal income tax liability is deductible?  NationsBank v.                 
          Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., 513 U.S. at __, 115 S. Ct. at               
          813-814.  Second, is section 1.163-9T(b)(2)(i)(A), Temporary                
          Income Tax Regs., a permissible interpretation of section 163(h)            
          in that it "fills a gap or defines a term in a way that is                  
          reasonable in light of the legislature's revealed design"?                  

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