James E. Redlark and Cheryl L. Redlark - Page 67

                                       - 67 -                                         
          discriminate between individuals doing business as                          
          proprietorships and in corporate form.  Granted, section 163(h)             
          applies only to individuals.  Congress has been of two minds as             
          to the deductibility of Federal income taxes, and perhaps the               
          distinction reflects some residual ambiguity.  Perhaps Congress             
          views corporate deficiency interest as properly an investment               
          expense of shareholders.  We do not know.  In any event, the                
          majority has not convinced me that the inconsistency is                     
               E.  Conclusion                                                         
               Again, the temporary regulations in question, section 1.163-           
          8T and 9T, Temporary Income Tax Regs., resolve ambiguities and              
          fill gaps in the statute in a permissible fashion, and for that             
          reason, must be upheld.  NationsBank v. Variable Annuity Life               
          Ins. Co., 513 U.S. __, 115 S. Ct. at 813-814.                               
               I would hold for respondent.                                           
               HAMBLEN, COHEN, WHALEN, and BEGHE, JJ., agree with this                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011