- 5 - Seminars 525 495 Telephone 403 Visa/Mastercard 216 Certification _______ 100 Total Expenses $17,113 $6,274 Schedule C-2 Expenses Expenses Claimed Substantiated Advertising $ 5,178 $5,078 Bad debt 203 Car 3,500 Legal & professional services 950 500 Rent-other business property 1,000 Supplies 2,047 Taxes & licenses 133 Meals & entertainment 162 162 Utilities 271 242 Computer expenses 1,698 1,348 Bank fees 122 122 Law book 47 Depreciation 227 Business license fees _______ 133 Total Expenses $15,264 $7,859 On her Schedule C-1, petitioner claimed rental expenses of $1,600 and $6,720 for a total of $8,320. Petitioner admitted that she did not pay the $1,600 rental expense on machinery. Petitioner also admitted that she did not pay $6,720 for rent for the use of her husband's office. In short, petitioner did not pay the $8,320 deducted by her on the Schedule C-1. Except to the extent the parties stipulated that the expenses were substantiated, respondent's disallowances of the Schedule C-1 and Schedule C-2 deductions are sustained.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011