Samson Investment Company and Subsidiaries - Page 35

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          taxpayer's business may constitute the necessary change in a                
          trade or business.  S. Rept. 1622, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. 285                  
          (1954); sec. 1.382(a)-1(h)(7), Income Tax Regs.                             
               The test under section 382(a) is an objective one with                 
          specific factors to be considered along with any other relevant             
          item in determining whether a corporation has continued to carry            
          on a trade or business substantially the same as that conducted             
          before a change of ownership.  Section 1.382(a)-1(h)(5), Income             
          Tax Regs., provides as follows:                                             
                    (5)  In determining whether a corporation has not                 
               continued to carry on a trade or business substantially                
               the same as that conducted before any increase in the                  
               ownership of its stock, all the facts and circumstances                
               of the particular case shall be taken into account.                    
               Among the relevant factors to be taken into account are                
               changes in the corporation's employees, plant,                         
               equipment, product, location, customers, and other                     
               items which are significant in determining whether                     
               there is, or is not, a continuity of the same business                 
               enterprise.  These factors shall be evaluated in the                   
               light of the general objective of section 382(a) to                    
               disallow net operating loss carryovers where there is a                
               purchase of the stock of a corporation and its loss                    
               carryovers are used to offset gains of a business                      
               unrelated to that which produced the losses.  However,                 
               the prohibited utilization of net operating loss                       
               carryovers to offset gains of a business unrelated to                  
               that which produced the losses is not dependent upon                   
               considerations of purpose, motive, or intent, but                      
               rather is established by the objective facts of the                    
               particular case.  The principles set forth in this                     
               subparagraph shall be applied in accordance with the                   
               rules set forth in the following subparagraphs of this                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011