Samson Investment Company and Subsidiaries - Page 44

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          the freezing of the canal was “not a condition which the taxpayer           
          desired to bring about”, and (3) “depreciation may be taken when            
          depreciable property is available for use 'should the occasion              
          arise,' even if the property is not in fact in use.”  Id. at 198.           
          In arriving at this finding, the court noted that the taxpayer              
          was already in the business for which the depreciable asset had             
          been purchased.                                                             
               Property, once used in business, remains in such use until             
          it is shown to have been withdrawn from business purposes.  P.              
          Dougherty Co. v. Commissioner, supra.  Petitioner's rigs were               
          available for drilling, though it was unable to obtain profitable           
          contracts.  Petitioner did not withdraw the rigs from business              
          use.  On this evidence, we hold that petitioner's use of the rigs           
          was such that depreciation deductions are allowable.                        
               Petitioner has prevailed on the sections 382 and 383 issues;           
          therefore, the issue of whether petitioner is liable for                    
          substantial understatement penalties is moot.                               
               To reflect the foregoing,                                              
                                                       An appropriate order           
                                                  will be issued, and                 
                                                  decision will be entered            
                                                  under Rule 155.                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011