Compaq Computer Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 21

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          1992 did not constitute arm's-length prices.  The notice of                 
          deficiency increased Compaq U.S. income by the following amounts:           
                    Taxable Year Ended              Amount                            
                    Nov. 30, 1991             $124,482,000                            
          Nov. 30, 1992               90,370,000                                      
          Petitioner's Analysis                                                       
               Prior to trial, petitioner abandoned its cost-plus method of           
          calculating the arm's-length prices for Compaq Asia PCA's and, at           
          trial, defended the intercompany prices pursuant to the CUP                 
          method based on Compaq U.S. regular and substantial purchases of            
          identical or nearly identical PCA's from uncontrolled                       
               To support its position at trial of this case, Compaq U.S.             
          compared these prices to its standard cost, which was on a                  
          turnkey basis, using a process referred to as the turnkey                   
          equivalent.  The turnkey equivalent is the sum of the turnkey               
          transactions and the adjusted consignment transactions.  Adjusted           
          consignment transactions are calculated by taking consignment               
          transactions with unrelated subcontractors and adding Compaq U.S.           
          standard material costs plus a material markup of 17.7 percent, a           
          markup that was derived from Compaq U.S. turnkey purchases of               
          $96.6 million from IEC Electronics Corporation (IEC), an                    
          unrelated subcontractor of Compaq U.S.                                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011