Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 172

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               6.   Additions to Tax                                                  
                    i.   Negligence                                                   
               Judge Goffe sustained respondent's determinations that the             
          test case petitioners were liable for additions to tax for                  
          negligence.  In particular, Judge Goffe found that the test case            
          petitioners failed to show that they were unsophisticated                   
          taxpayers, that they relied upon independent return preparers or            
          tax advisers, the nature of any professional advice that they may           
          have received, or that any such professional advice was based               
          upon a disclosure of all of the relevant facts.  See id. at 1512-           
          1513, 1991 T.C.M. (RIA), at 91-3056 to 91-3057.108                          
                    ii. Late Filing                                                   
               Judge Goffe sustained respondent's determination that the              
          Thompsons were liable for the addition to tax for late filing               
          under section 6651(a)(1) for 1981 on the ground that they did not           
          contest the matter and were deemed to have conceded the point.109           
          See id. at 1513, 1991 T.C.M. (RIA), at 91-3057.                             
                    iii. Substantial Understatement                                   
               Judge Goffe sustained respondent's determination that the              
          Youngs and the DuFresnes were liable for additions to tax for               

          108  Although Judge Goffe sustained respondent's                            
          determinations that the test case petitioners were liable for               
          additions to tax for negligence, nontest case petitioners who               
          signed post-1985 piggyback agreements were to be relieved of                
          liability for such additions to tax for tax years before 1982.              
          See supra pp. 43-45.                                                        
          109  We note that the Thompsons had no need to contest this                 
          addition to tax by virtue of their settlement agreement.                    

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