Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 305

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               On June 15, 1987, Mr. DeCastro sent a $63,000 cashier's                
          check "in partial payment of the total amount due" to the                   
          Internal Revenue Service Center in Fresno, California, on behalf            
          of the Thompsons.  The remittance was made with respect to the              
          Thompsons' three docketed cases and included a request that the             
          matter be referred to a problems resolution officer "so that we             
          can determine the balance due and conclude this matter."  On                
          June 17, 1987, the Commissioner "transferred" $775 of the $63,000           
          payment to the Thompsons' account for 1988 and applied the                  
          $62,225 balance to the Thompsons' account for 1979.46  As of June           
          1987, the Thompsons had paid a total of $121,770 towards their              
          tax liabilities (tax and interest) for the taxable years 1979,              
          1980, and 1981.                                                             
               On July 10, 1987, Mr. DeCastro wrote to Mr. McWade                     
          transmitting a Notice of Overdue Tax received by the Thompsons              
          with respect to their 1981 income tax liability.  Mr. DeCastro              
          asked Mr. McWade to contact him regarding the notice and to send            
          him "copies of the decisions entered in this matter."  On                   
          July 24, 1987, Mr. McWade sent Mr. DeCastro copies of proposed              
          decision documents for the Thompson cases.  Mr. McWade informed             
          Mr. DeCastro that "per our understanding, since the Thompsons are           

          46  The record does not reflect the basis for the                           
          Commissioner's transfer of $775 of the payment to the Thompsons'            
          account for 1988.  Because the 1988 tax year had not even started           
          on the date of the transfer, there can be no reasonable                     
          explanation for the transfer; perhaps it was a typographical                
          error and was intended to refer to the taxable year 1978, which             
          Mr. Huestis had settled on the Thompsons' behalf.                           

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