Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 306

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          involved as a test case, the documents are being held in our                
          files, and will be signed and filed with the Court when the test            
          case litigation has been completed."  The revised decision                  
          documents prepared by Mr. McWade set forth the Thompsons' tax               
          liabilities as follows:                                                     
                    Year       Deficiency        Additions to Tax                     
                    1979          ---                  ---                            
                    1980        $33,000                ---                            
                    1981         30,000                ---                            
          On August 5, 1987, Mr. DeCastro sent copies of the proposed                 
          decision documents to the Thompsons.                                        
               3.   Second Revision of Thompson Settlement                            
               Before the trial of the test cases, Mr. DeCastro informed              
          Mr. McWade that the Thompsons were having financial difficulties            
          and that he did not think that it was fair to require the                   
          Thompsons to remain as test case petitioners.  Mr. DeCastro                 
          expressed concern to Mr. McWade about the amount of legal fees              
          the Thompsons would incur as test case petitioners and informed             
          Mr. McWade that he would attempt to have the Thompsons removed              
          from the list of test cases.  Mr. McWade told Mr. DeCastro that             
          he did not want the Thompsons to be removed as test case                    
          petitioners because he did not want to change the test cases so             
          close to trial.  Mr. DeCastro thought that Mr. McWade's desire to           
          retain the Thompsons on the list of test cases was caused by                
          administrative or technical concerns.                                       
               Mr. DeCastro and Mr. McWade resolved their respective                  
          concerns by further modifying the Thompson settlement.  In                  

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