General Motors Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 25

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          stated interest plus the discount income GMAC earned if the                  
          nonrate-supported RISC bore a below-market rate of interest.                 
               C.  GM's Accounting for Retail Rate Support Payments14                  
               GM accounted for its retail rate support payment liability              
          as follows:  When GM's liability first arose, GM recorded a sales            
          allowance in the amount of the retail rate support payment and an            
          accrued liability to GMAC in the amount of the retail rate                   
          support payment.  When GMAC actually purchased the RISC from an              
          independent GM dealer and GM made the retail rate support payment            
          to GMAC, GM eliminated the accrued liability and recorded a cash             
          reduction in the amount of the retail rate support payment.  The             
          net effect on GM's balance sheet was a reduction in GM's cash                
          balance in the amount of the retail rate support payment.  There             
          were no subsequent entries.                                                  
               D.  Consolidated Accounting                                             
               GM was required to eliminate intercompany items between GM              
          and GMAC in determining GM's consolidated income and balance                 
          sheet.  GM's expense for retail rate support payments was never              
          eliminated in determining the GM group's net book income.                    
          Similarly, unearned income recognized by GMAC over the term of a             
          rate-supported RISC was never eliminated in determining the GM               
          group's net book income.                                                     

               14  For an example, see infra p. 35.                                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011