Fred Henry - Page 47

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          313.  We also acknowledged that the plant damage alleged by the              
          Fabrys against du Pont "no doubt injured their business and,                 
          consequentially, their business reputation."  Id. at 313.  How-              
          ever, we held that nowhere in the complaint is there any claim of            
          personal injuries, as that term is used in section 104(a)(2).                
          See id. at 313.  We further held that there was no evidence of a             
          claim for personal injuries in our examination of the mediation              
          that preceded the settlement of the suit brought by the Fabrys               
          against du Pont.  See id. at 313-314.                                        
               Based on our examination of all the facts and circumstances             
          surrounding the $500,000 payment that was made on account of the             
          Fabrys' claim of injury to their business reputation, we held in             
          Fabry v. Commissioner, supra at 314:                                         
                    Since the record of the lawsuit that is before us                  
               does not include any claim for personal injuries within                 
               the meaning of section 104(a)(2), we do not believe                     
               that the claim for injury to business reputation was on                 
               account of personal injuries, as that term is used in                   
               section 104(a)(2). * * *                                                
               We have examined all of the facts and circumstances that are            
          disclosed by the record before us surrounding the lawsuit by Mr.             
          Henry and Ms. Estes d/b/a Fred Henry's Paradise of Orchids                   
          against, inter alia, du Pont and the settlement of that lawsuit              
          while the jury verdict was on appeal.  In the complaint in the               
          lawsuit, Mr. Henry and Ms. Estes d/b/a Fred Henry's Paradise of              
          Orchids sought damages from, inter alia, du Pont on theories of              

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