Fred Henry - Page 58

                                        - 58 -                                         

               On the record before us, we find that petitioner has failed             
          to show that there was reasonable cause and that he acted in good            
          faith when he did not report the $1,623,203 settlement payment as            
          income in his 1994 tax return.7                                              
               We have considered all of the contentions and arguments of              
          petitioner that are not addressed herein, and we find them to be             
          without merit and/or irrelevant.                                             
               To reflect the foregoing and the concessions of the parties,            
                                                   Decision will be entered            
                                              under Rule 155.                          

               7We find no basis whatsoever on the record before us for                
          petitioner's position that the entire $1,623,203 settlement                  
          payment was paid to him on account of the loss of his business               
          reputation and the loss of his reputation as an orchid grower.               

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