H Group Holding, Inc. and Subsidiaries - Page 77

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               Taxable year        From HIC to               From HHK/HS               
               ending1               Hyatt Domestic          to HIC                    
               Dec. 31, 1976            $791,103             $2,164,604                
               Dec. 31, 1977            954,126              2,501,906                 
               Dec. 31, 1978            1,092,387            2,992,556                 
               Dec. 31, 1979            1,302,797            4,316,952                 
               Dec. 31, 1980            1,731,902            7,565,475                 
               Dec. 31, 1981            1,985,825            9,054,035                 
               Dec. 31, 1982            1,750,500            7,377,525                 
               Dec. 31, 1983            1,832,550            6,150,778                 
               Dec. 31, 1984            1,926,900            7,781,600                 
               Dec. 31, 1985            1,889,100            1,536,910                 
               Dec. 31, 1986            2,218,500            8,703,363                 
               Dec. 31, 1987            2,712,150            9,573,138                 
               Dec. 31, 1988           3,488,100             11,759,205                
                    Total          23,675,940           69,718,842                     
               1Taxable year is that of HIC/AIC.  Hyatt Domestic/HGH’s                 
          taxable year ends Jan. 31.                                                   
               Respondent’s notice determinations attributable to the                  
          trademarks were as follows:                                                  
               Taxable year        From HIC to          From HHK/HS                    
               ending1      Hyatt Domestic          to HIC                             
                    1976      ---                  $982,000                            
                    1977           ---                  2,048,740                      
                    1978           ---                  2,296,218                      
                    1979           ---                  1,877,010                      
                    1980      $2,159,000                3,094,935                      
                    1981           3,266,000            4,157,250                      
                    1982           4,603,000            4,838,580                      
                    1983           5,279,000            5,046,810                      
                    1984           5,548,000                 ---                       
                    1985           6,070,000            ---                            
                    1986           5,735,687            ---                            
                    1987           5,935,143            ---                            
                    1988           7,333,495            ---                            
                    Total      45,929,325          24,341,543                          
               1Hyatt Domestic’s fiscal year ends Jan. 31, and HIC was on a            
          Dec. 31 calendar year.                                                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011