Investment Research Associates - Page 63

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          expenditures of $1,020 ($1,052 deductions less $32 for                      
          capitalized organizational expenses).  Thus, during 1983, Zeus              
          had $860,832 in liquid assets ($696,623 + $165,229 - $1,020).               
               On March 25, 1983, Zeus repaid the $51,000 loan outstanding            
          from IRA. On October 21, 1983, Zeus transferred $774,000 to IRA             
          in exchange for a $774,000 receivable from Holding Co.  During              
          1983, Zeus transferred $28,000 to IRA in exchange for $28,000 of            
          receivables from Holding Co.26  Thus, during 1983, Zeus                     
          transferred a total of $853,000 in cash to IRA in repayment of a            
          loan and in exchange for Holding Co. receivables.                           
               IRA's 1983 consolidated return reported that Zeus' assets at           
          the end of the year included cash of $7,832, loans receivable of            
          $866,000, partnership interests with a negative value of $20,875,           
          and other assets (capitalized organizational expenses) of $32.              
          From 1979 through 1983, Zeus apparently invested a net of                   
          $163,685 in partnerships.27                                                 

               On December 5, 1983, Zeus transferred $13,000 to IRA in                
          exchange for a $13,000 receivable from Holding Co.  IRA's general           
          ledger shows that in 1983 Holding Co.'s subsidiary Zion acquired            
          from IRA a $15,000 receivable due from Holding Co. for $15,000.             
          The 1984 general ledger shows that Zeus' loans receivable of                
          $866,000 included $802,000 owed by Holding Co. and $64,000 owed             
          by HELO.  The record does not disclose how Zeus acquired the                
          remaining receivable of $15,000 from Holding Co.                            
               Based on IRA's consolidated returns, Zeus contributed to               
          unidentified partnerships $100,000 in 1979 and $127,372 in 1980             
          and received a return of capital of $63,696 in 1981 and $1 in               
          1982 (probably due to rounding of numbers) computed as follows:             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011