Investment Research Associates - Page 210

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              IRA acquired 47.5 percent of the common stock of Schnitzer-              
         PMS Corp. with a value of roughly $522,500 for $150,000.  We hold             
         that the bargain element is $372,500 ($522,500 - $150,000) and                
         the gain on the sale is $2,577,500 ($3.1 million - $522,500).                 
         The gross profit ratio is 83.15 percent ($2,577,500 divided by                
         $3.1 million).                                                                
              IRA received the following payments of principal and                     
         interest on the installment sale of the Schnitzer-PMS Corp.                   
                   Year         Payment      Principal       Interest                  
                   1979       $150,000      $150,000        --                         
                   1980       533,425       211,468         $321,957                   
                   1981       534,696       309,308         225,388                    
                   1982       361,692       172,441         189,251                    
                   1983       361,692       186,655         175,037                    
                   1984       361,692       202,042         159,650                    
                   1985       361,692       218,696         142,996                    
                   1986       361,692       236,724         124,968                    
                   1987       361,692       256,217         105,475                    
                   1988       361,692       277,360         84,332                     
                   1989       840,423       822,841         17,582                     
                  Total      4,590,388     3,043,752       1,546,636                  
              The gain on the sale is computed as follows:                             
                   Year        Principal     Profit Ratio     Gain                     
                   1979       $150,000       .8315          $124,725                   
                   1980       211,468        .8315          175,836                    
                   1981       309,308        .8315          257,190                    
                   1982       172,441        .8315          143,385                    
                   1983       186,655        .8315          155,204                    
                   1984       202,042        .8315          167,998                    
                   1985       218,696        .8315          181,846                    
                   1986       236,724        .8315          196,836                    
                   1987       256,217        .8315          213,044                    
                   1988       277,360        .8315            230,625                  
                   Total                                    1,846,689                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011