Investment Research Associates - Page 206

                                       - 278 -                                         
              Section 482 authorizes the Secretary to apportion or                     
         allocate income between organizations controlled by the same                  
         interests if he determines that such distribution, apportionment,             
         or allocation is necessary in order to prevent evasion of taxes               
         or clearly to reflect the income of any such organizations.  The              
         relevant regulation explains that the purpose of section 482 is               
         to place a controlled taxpayer on a tax parity with an                        
         uncontrolled taxpayer, and to ensure that controlling entities                
         conduct their subsidiaries' transactions in such a way as to                  
         reflect the "true taxable income" of each controlled taxpayer.                
         Sec. 1.482-1A(b)(1), Income Tax Regs.50                                       

               Sec. 1.482-1A(b)(1), Income Tax Regs provides:                          
               The purpose of section 482 is to place a controlled taxpayer            
               on a tax parity with an uncontrolled taxpayer, by                       
               determining, according to the standard of an uncontrolled               
               taxpayer, the true taxable income from the property and                 
               business of a controlled taxpayer.  The interests                       
               controlling a group of controlled taxpayers are assumed to              
               have complete power to cause each controlled taxpayer so to             
               conduct its affairs that its transactions and accounting                
               records truly reflect the taxable income from the property              
               and business of each of the controlled taxpayers.  If,                  
               however, this has not been done, and the taxable incomes are            
               thereby understated, the district director shall intervene,             
               and, by making such distributions, apportionments, or                   
               allocations as he may deem necessary of gross income,                   
               deductions, credits, or allowances, or of any item or                   
               element affecting taxable income, between or among the                  
               controlled taxpayers constituting the group, shall determine            
               the true taxable income of each controlled taxpayer.  The               
               standard to be applied in every case is that of an                      
               uncontrolled taxpayer dealing at arm's length with another              
               uncontrolled taxpayer.                                                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011