Estate of Edward J. Kunze, Deceased, Carol Ann Hause, Executor - Page 9

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               (4) Prevailing party.                                                  
                    (A) In general.  The term “prevailing party” means any            
                    party in any proceeding to which subsection (a) applies           
                    (other than the United States or any creditor of the              
                    taxpayer involved)--                                              
                         (i) which establishes that the position of the               
                         United States in the proceeding was not                      
                         substantially justified,                                     
                         (ii) which--                                                 
                              (I) has substantially prevailed with respect            
                              to the amount in controversy, or                        
                              (II) has substantially prevailed with respect           
                              to the most significant issue or set of                 
                              issues presented, and                                   
                         (iii) which meets the requirements of the 1st                
                         sentence of section 2412(d)(1)(B) of title 28,               
                         United States Code (as in effect on October 22,              
                         1986) except to the extent differing procedures              
                         are established by rule of court and meets the               
                         requirements of section 2412(d)(2)(B) of such                
                         title 28 (as so in effect).                                  
          On July 30, 1996, the version of paragraph (c)(4) of section 7430           
          quoted above was amended by striking subparagraph (A)(i) and                
          renumbering subparagraphs (A)(ii) and (iii) as (A)(i) and (ii),             
          respectively.3  See Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2, Pub. L. 104-168,             
          sec. 701(a), 110 Stat. 1452, 1463 (1996).  Notwithstanding the              
          1996 elimination of subparagraph (A)(iii) and renumbering of its            
          contents as subparagraph (A)(ii), when section 7430(c)(4)(D) was            
          enacted on August 5, 1997, it erroneously referred to                       
          subparagraph (A)(iii).  See Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, Pub. L.            

               3  The same legislation enacted sec. 6404(g)(now sec.                  
          6404(i)) and that section correctly cross-referenced subparagraph           
          (A)(ii) of paragraph (c)(4) of sec. 7430 when referring to the              
          eligibility requirements for a taxpayer seeking Tax Court review            
          of a failure to abate interest.  See Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2,             
          Pub. L. 104-168, secs. 302(a), 701(c)(3), 110 Stat. 1452, 1457,             
          1464 (1996).                                                                

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