- 11 - (A) section 303(b) (relating to distributions in redemption of stock to pay death taxes), (B) section 2032A (relating to special valuation of certain farm, etc., real property), and (C) subchapter C of chapter 64 (relating to lien for taxes). Section 2035(d)(3)(C) provides that the value of any gift made within 3 years of death is included in the gross estate for purposes of subchapter C of chapter 64. Section 6324(a)(2) falls under subchapter C of chapter 64. Petitioners assert that respondent's interpretation of section 2035(d)(3)(C) is flawed in that respondent has ignored the parenthetical language "(relating to lien for taxes)." In petitioners' view, the parenthetical language limits the application of section 2035(d)(3)(C) by providing that gifts made within 3 years of death are treated as if they are included in the gross estate only for purposes of a lien provision contained in subchapter C of chapter 64--such as section 6324(a)(1).5 Petitioners argue that the first sentence of section 6324(a)(2) is a personal liability provision, as opposed to a lien 5 Sec. 6324(a)(1), quoted supra at p. 6, provides that property included in the gross estate shall be subject to a 10-year lien for unpaid estate taxes.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011