Gabriel M. Daya, et al. - Page 41

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          property.  See Trans v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1999-233; Uslu v.          
          Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1997-551; Conroy v. Commissioner, T.C.             
          Memo. 1958-6.                                                               
               In the case at bar, petitioners each claimed a deduction for           
          50 percent of the mortgage interest incurred on the Foster City             
          residence in 1995 and 1996.  Respondent disallowed the entire               
          mortgage interest deductions claimed by both petitioners in 1995            
          and disallowed Gabriel’s deduction for all but 5 percent of the             
          mortgage interest paid on the property in 1996 on the basis that            
          petitioners have not established:  (1) The interest associated              
          with the indebtedness on the property was qualified residence               
          interest; (2) they had a legal or equitable interest in the                 
          property in 1995; (3) the indebtedness on the property was theirs;          
          and (4) they personally paid the interest.                                  
               Although petitioners offered no direct testimony that Bank of          
          American loan No. 4540719 was acquisition indebtedness and that             
          the total indebtedness at issue did not exceed the fair market              
          value of the Foster City residence, we are satisfied the record             
          sufficiently establishes that the interest paid on these loans              
          constitutes qualified residence interest.                                   
               During 1995 petitioners had no legal obligation to make                
          mortgage payments on the Foster City residence, nor did they hold           
          legal title to the residence.  Mahmoud and Fuad were the legal              

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