Robert T. and Mary F. Gow - Page 23

                                        - 23 -                                          
          interest expense, income taxes, administration costs, and                     
          amortization for financing commitments.  After estimating Powhatan            
          Associates’ net income for both valuation dates, in order to arrive           
          at Powhatan Associates’ estimated annual cash-flow stream, Mr.                
          Gampel considered noncash charges, capital expenditures, changes in           
          net working capital, and debt.                                                
               Next, Mr. Gampel developed a discount rate through the                   
          summation method that combined:                                               
                    a risk-free rate of return of        8.93%                          
                    a market risk premium of             3.97                           
                    a small stock risk premium of        9.02                           
                    a company specific risk premium of   10.0                           
                    Total      31.92                                                    
                    Rounded                   32.0                                      
          The 32-percent discount rate was then applied to Powhatan                     
          Associates’ estimated cash-flow stream for both valuation dates.              
               On the basis of his discounted cash-flow analysis, Mr. Gampel            
          opined that (1) the fair market value of Powhatan Associates was              
          approximately $11.7 million as of February 16, 1989, and $14                  
          million as of February 15, 1990; and (2) WVI’s one-third interest             
          in Powhatan Associates (before discounts to reflect lack of control           
          and lack of marketability) was approximately $3.9 million as of               
          February 16, 1989, and $4.7 million as of February 15, 1990.                  
               Mr. Gampel reduced the value of WVI’s one-third interest in              
          Powhatan Associates by two discounts:  A minority interest (or lack           
          of control) discount and a lack of marketability discount.  These             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011