Anthony W. Jorgenson and Florence A. Jorgenson - Page 7

                                        - 7 -                                         
          effort extended until 1993 partly due to the short growing season           
          at the Colorado ranch.                                                      
               Generally, petitioners have to purchase steers or heifers              
          around June 1 and maintain them at the Colorado ranch until                 
          September 1 when petitioners have to move or sell them.  In the             
          summer of 1991, petitioners purchased and maintained 51 steers,             
          which were subsequently moved to the Chireno ranch, on the                  
          Colorado ranch.  In 1992, the Colorado ranch was not used as a              
          summer steer or heifer operation.                                           
               In 1992, petitioners increased the size of the Colorado                
          ranch by purchasing 640 adjoining acres of land at a cost of                
          $101,000.  Also, in 1992, petitioners hired Calvin Hunt to make             
          major improvements to the Colorado ranch.  The improvements                 
          included repairing dams, removing debris, and restoring the                 
          irrigation systems to the hay meadows.  During 1992, 1993, and              
          1994, petitioners hired Donald and Tina Higgenbotham on a part-             
          time basis to maintain the Colorado ranch.  The Higgenbothams’              
          duties included establishing and maintaining the hay meadows and            
          seeding and mowing the grasses of the Colorado ranch.3  After all           
          the replanting efforts and improvements, the Colorado ranch had             
          improved hay meadows and restored grasses.                                  
               In 1993, petitioners acquired an additional 200 adjoining              
          acres for $42,000.  During 1993, petitioners maintained a small             

               3  In addition, Donald Higgenbotham performed services for             
          petitioners on petitioners’ ranches in Texas and rental                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011