James W. and Laura L. Keith - Page 4

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          proprietorship known as Greenville Insurance Agency (GIA).  Mrs.            
          Keith established the business in 1983 on the advice of her                 
          father, J.D. Latzak, as a vehicle to create potential tax                   
          savings.  GIA was formed primarily to sell insurance, to purchase           
          real estate for resale or rent, and to broker mortgages.  Since             
          its genesis, GIA has been run by Mr. Latzak who, because of large           
          judgment creditors, could not conduct business or hold assets in            
          his name.  Although neither of the Keiths possesses an insurance            
          license or has experience in real estate transactions, Mr. Latzak           
          is a licensed insurance agent and an experienced broker.  We                
          previously addressed the treatment of insurance commissions and             
          mortgage placement fees earned incident to GIA’s operations for             
          years 1984 through 1988 in Latzak v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.               
          1994-416.  We now focus on the reporting of income attributable             
          to the company’s sales of real property.                                    
          GIA’s Real Estate Transactions                                              
               During the years at issue, GIA was in the business of                  
          selling, financing, and renting residential real property.  The             
          sales were effected by means of contracts for deed.  The record             
          reflects 18 such contracts entered into between 1989 and 1995, 12           
          of which were executed in the 1993 to 1995 period presently                 
          before the Court.  The following is representative of these                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011