James W. and Laura L. Keith - Page 5

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                                  CONTRACT FOR DEED                                   
               GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY                                             
               This agreement entered into by the seller and the                      
               buyer(s).  The seller hereby agrees to convey to the                   
               buyer(s) fee simple title to a certain property                        
               described on Exhibit “A” to this contract, at which                    
               time all of the conditions of the sale described below                 
               are met by the buyer.                                                  
               SELLER:   Greenville Insurance Agency, a                               
                         proprietorship, which is registered and                      
                         domiciled in Meriwether County, Ga.,                         
                         maintaining an office open to the public at                  
                         109 Court Square, Greenville, Georgia 30222.                 
               BUYER(S): _____________________________________________                
               SELLING PRICE: ____________ DOWN PAYMENT _____________                 
               BALANCE of $__________ to be evidenced by a promissory                 
               note plus interest at ____% interest payable in ___                    
               monthly installments of $______ per month, starting                    
               _________ and ending ________.                                         
               SPECIAL STIPULATIONS TO THE CONDITIONAL SALE:                          
               (1) The buyer(s) shall pay the prorated [year of                       
                    execution] property taxes, and all future property                
                    taxes promptly when due.                                          
               (2) The buyer(s) shall not permit the general                          
                    condition of the property to deteriorate in value                 
                    any futher [sic] than its delivered condition.                    
               (3) The buyer(s) shall perform any and all required                    
                    maintenance on the property.                                      
               (4) The buyer(s) shall assume all liabilities as if                    
                    they had fee simple title.                                        
               (5) The property is to be used as a primary single                     
                    family residence for the buyer(s), and for no                     
                    other purpose.                                                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011