Cheryl J. Miller - Page 19

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           exemptions.  Our review of the relevant IRS publications reveals                            
           that the guidance given to taxpayers for the years at issue is                              
           less than clear and may even be misleading regarding the effect                             
           of a State court decree on the ability of the noncustodial parent                           
           to claim the dependency exemption for his or her child.9                                    

                  9The IRS issued administrative guidance in the form of                               
            instructions to taxpayers to assist them in complying with the                             
            requirements of sec. 152(e)(2) for each of the years at issue.                             
            See Publications 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing                           
            Information (for use in preparing 1993 returns and 1994 returns),                          
            and Publications 504, Divorced or Separated Individuals (for use                           
            in preparing 1993 returns and 1994 returns).  Each of these                                
            publications states that the noncustodial parent is treated as                             
            the parent who gave more than half the child’s support (and                                
            therefore is entitled to claim the dependency exemption for the                            
            child) if “The custodial parent signs a statement agreeing not to                          
            claim the child’s exemption, and the noncustodial parent attaches                          
            this statement to his or her return”.  In another section of the                           
            publications, the IRS addresses how a noncustodial parent who has                          
            been awarded the right to claim the dependency exemption for his                           
            or her child in a divorce decree or separation agreement may                               
            demonstrate his or her entitlement to the child’s dependency                               
            exemption.  For example, in Publication 501, Exemptions, Standard                          
            Deduction, and Filing Information (for use in preparing 1993                               
            returns), the IRS states as follows:                                                       
                  Noncustodial parent.  The noncustodial parent will be                                
                  treated as providing more than half of the child’s                                   
                  support if:                                                                          
                              *     *     *     *     *     *     *                                    
                  2) A decree or agreement went into effect after 1984                                 
                        and it unconditionally states that the                                         
                        noncustodial parent can claim the child as a                                   
                        dependent * * *                                                                
            See also Publication 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and                              
            Filing Information (for use in preparing 1994 returns), and                                
            Publication 504, Divorced or Separated Individuals, (for use in                            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011