The Nis Family Trust - Page 9

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            “This motion should be granted because the respondent is not                               
            entitled to receive any private and confidential books and                                 
            records from petitioners.”  No affidavits accompany the motions.                           
            The motions are accompanied, however, by documents entitled                                
            “Memorandum of Points and Authorities” (the memoranda).  The                               
            memoranda state as follows:  “The gravamen of Petitioners’ case                            
            is that respondent has no legitimate authority over their lives                            
            and property.”  The memoranda continue:                                                    
                  The petitioners entered evidence that the Internal                                   
                  Revenue Code (IRC) was not applicable to them.  * * *                                
                              *  *  *  *  *  *                    *                                    
                        As the Petitioners maintain that Respondent lacks                              
                  legitimate authority over their lives and property, it                               
                  would be imprudent to allow Respondent to have                                       
                  Petitioners’ books and records before evidence is                                    
                  provided to the contrary.                                                            
            The motions are all signed by Ms. Sluyter.                                                 
                  On April 11, 2000, the Court ordered respondent to respond                           
            to the motions.  On April 24, 2000, respondent filed an 11-page                            
                  On April 25, 2000, the Court denied the motions.                                     
            Motions for Judgment on the Pleadings                                                      
                  On April 12, 2000, respondent, by a separate motion in each                          
            case, moved for judgment on the pleadings (the motions for                                 
            judgment on the pleadings or the motions).  On April 13, 2000,                             
            the Court ordered petitioners to respond to the motions for                                
            judgment on the pleadings.  On April 19, 2000, in response to the                          

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Last modified: May 25, 2011