Zinovy Brodsky - Page 109

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          Brodsky reported in their 1992 joint return with respect to the             
          sale of the Church Street property, they have a gain of $23,000             
          from that sale, all of which must be recognized for 1992.                   
          Respondent made that determination with respect to the sale of              
          the Church Street property because respondent determined that               
          petitioner and Ms. Brodsky had not established their basis in               
          that property when it was sold.12                                           
               In the notice for 1993, respondent determined that, instead            
          of the $11,315 gain which petitioner and Ms. Brodsky reported in            
          their 1993 joint return with respect to the sale of the Sanchez             
          Street property, they have a gain from that sale of $48,000.                
          Respondent made that determination because petitioner and Ms.               
          Brodsky had not established their basis in that property when it            
          was sold.13                                                                 
               In the notices, respondent further determined that peti-               
          tioner and Ms. Brodsky are liable for each of the years at issue            
          for the fraud penalty under section 6663(a) on the entire amount            
          of the underpayment for each such year of the tax that was                  
          required to be shown in the return for each such year.  In the              
          alternative, respondent determined in the notices that petitioner           

               12Respondent also disallowed in the notice for 1991 and 1992           
          a claimed capital loss carryover to 1993.                                   
               13Respondent also determined in the 1993 notice that peti-             
          tioner and Ms. Brodsky are not entitled to the $27,000 capital              
          loss carryover from 1992 that they claimed in their 1993 joint              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011